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Image by Paweł Czerwiński


Men’s Ministry

 This group consists of married couples in our church. We Support our Pastor and his family. If a need arises within the Pastoral family we’ll be there to help them in every way we can. Be ambassadors of Christ at our jobs and neighborhoods so that God can use us to win souls for His Kingdom. Support each other as husbands and fathers. As head of our households, God has given us the responsibility to have a godly home and raise our children to love God. We are responsible for the maintenance of the church facility as well as being active in the National and District Men’s Group activities. As men, we play an important role in our church, homes, and communities, and together we become “men of valor” for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Contact N/A
  Tel: N/A

Women’s Ministry

The Ladies group come together as women to motivate, encourage and build each other up through prayer and fellowship. The two main projects we support are the Embracing Hope Ministry and the National Flor Azul Project (Blue Flower). The Embracing Hope Ministry is a project where blankets are made, prayed over and delivered to those in our surrounding communities that have an illness and are in need of a healing touch; to encourage them and to let them know that they are not alone and are being lifted up in prayer. We also work together throughout the year to raise funds for the National Flor Azul Project, this program is to support those serving in our Foreign and National Missions.


Contact Concha Jimenez
Tel: 269-217-8963

Music Ministry

When we begin to praise and worship our Savior Jesus Christ, His Spirit starts to move in our Service, this is when we start to feel His presence and begin to know that we’re not alone. We can then praise Him for what He’s done and worship Him for who He Is. It’s then, that we’re ready to have our souls be fed by the precious Word of God. This is how our Praise Team and Musicians at FOTAT approach each service and our ministry that the Lord has placed in our lives. 

Contact Eber Perez

Junior's Ministry

coming soon

Contact n/a

Youth Ministry

The youth ministry guides the youth and helps them grow in the path of God. Having God as their first priority will help them in all areas of their life. FOTAT wants young people to know that there is a purpose for them. Our youth have many abilities, we are blessed to have talented musicians and future leaders among us. We plan socials and events throughout the year. We also work on preparing them for college and life as they continue to grow.

Contact Suz Morin  |  Tel: 269-870-0060

Children's Ministry

We share God's unconditional love and light with the children of our church to help them grow and believe in God. We teach them to trust in Him for the rest of their lives. This prepares them to have a good foundation in life as they grow in the Lord.  We believe that the children of our church are the future, and we want to do everything that we can to insure that they know the Word, and show them that the Lord has a bright future for them. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6


Contact Esther Martinez

Blanket Ministry

The blanket ministry comforts those in dire situations such as health problems. As a church we pray for the blankets and it contains a prayer of Love & Faith to comfort and encourage through time of struggle. “So that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from His body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.” Acts 19:12

Contact Norma Jimenez 

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